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Standard 11 Reflection

Standard 11- Formative and Summative Assessment Standard 11 in Teacher Leadership standards for Seattle Pacific University states one must be able to “ utilize formative and summative assessment in a standards based environment .” As my skills in other teacher leadership standards have increased, this one naturally did as well.  While I used to shy away from the word “assessment” all together, I have realized that I cannot be a skilled and effective teacher without it.  I also realized how much I used formative assessments throughout my lessons without explicitly planning it. Throughout my experience in the Teacher Leadership program, my skills in both implementing specific formative assessment and choosing appropriate summative assessments have increased. At the very beginning of our program, we spent some time looking through our districts evaluation criteria, mine being the Danielson Framework.  We identified areas of strength and areas we want to work on throug

Reflection on Teaching and Learning

Teacher Leadership Standard 3 The third Teacher Leadership standard states " Teacher leaders improve teaching and learning through the use of educational research a the classroom and school levels" ( Seattle Pacific University-Teacher Leadership Program Standards).  While various classes within SPU's teacher leadership program facilitated opportunities to improve teaching and learning practices, completing an action research project and sharing my findings with administration was a learning experience that best highlighted this standard.  Throughout my reflection you will notice that I was able to take charge of my own learning and growth within my classroom, and then share my findings with others.  Going through the practice of identifying areas of growth, doing my own educational research, and then implementing a plan of action within my classroom was an empowering experience as an educator and helped sharpen my skills as a teacher leader in order to facilitate actio

EDU 6528 End of Course Reflection

Looking at the course objectives for EDU 6529, I feel successful in accomplishing those goals over the course of the quarter.  After re-reading my initial course reflection on the Danielson Framework, I can pinpoint the areas that I have improved over the past couple months, and also list some resources that can help me with continuing to improve on the goals I set for myself.  So much of this growth came with the focus on reflection, another one of our course objectives.  Finally, I feel as though I am headed in the right direction for being able to promote continuous learning to other teachers through coaching techniques.               The very first aspect of the course was taking a look at our own practice compared to our school’s framework for evaluation.  Using the Danielson Framework, I identified Domain 1 as a strength and Domain 3 as an area I can work on, specifically in engagement techniques in instruction and in differentiation or personalized learning (Danielson, 2013).