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EDU 6979 Multiplier Initial Reflection

I enjoyed reading the first chapter of The Multiplier Effect and am excited to continue reading!  Many of us as educators have always known that micromanaging is not the most effective way lead people, but it was encouraging to see that there is evidence that the opposite tactics can produce even more productivity.  When reviewing the five disciplines of the multiplier, I was able to make connections to people that are around me in education.  It was interesting to identify certain people in my professional circle was "multipliers" or "accidental diminishers". 

While reading the accidental diminishers section in this chapter, I found myself thinking "Why would any leader with good intentions do these things?!".  As I took the accidental diminisher quiz, however, I quickly realized that it is not so black and white.  Many aspects that some would view as great foundations of leadership can often come off as diminishing, even though not intended so.  I certainly found some areas to work on for my (type A) self. 

I was initially surprised to find that I scored a 23, which puts me in the "likely an accidental diminisher: category.  From reading the responses afterwards, here are some things I'll need to work on to lower that number:

  • I am a "big thinker" and like propose long-term ideas to others.  While in the past this has been successful for me in my professional life, I realized that it only helped me when I was not in a leadership position.  I likely had bosses that were multipliers, which allowed me to project those ideas.  I may need to do some work on this as my roles change in education throughout the years.  While I don't think it is always a bag thing to "dream big" and have some good long-term goals, I'll need to make sure to keep an open mind and leave space for others' dreams to unfold within mine.  
  • I react quickly when problems arise.  To me, this was a no brainier that of course, as an educator, I need to react quickly.  Teachers make SO many decisions in a day.  If I took my time with each and every one of them, neither my students or myself would be getting anywhere.  From a leadership perspective, however, (and I know at times as a teacher as well) I'll need to react differently so that more voices can be heard and the best decision can be made.  
  • The third aspect that made me an accidental diminisher, and likely the thing that I am still struggling with even after reading the chapter, is my work ethic.  I continue to hold the understanding that if I deliver high-quality work, it sets a good example for others.  The issue that I am grappling with is the "high-quality work" part.  What educator SHOULDN'T be providing high-quality work?  I think the part that the authors are focusing on, however, is the "pace-setting" portion.  I try my best to work efficiently and in a timely manner in addition to working hard, but my pace may not be the same as the pace of those around me, and that is okay.  I'll need to work on realizing that if my pace is too fast for those around me, I could actually be making them even more unproductive.  
I enjoy continuing to read this book both with the lens of a teacher being led, and as a leader in my building.  


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