Our "TH" Digraph Story I chose to make my digital story about letter sounds, specifically the digraph TH. Since I teach first grade, a lot of our phonics focus is centered around digraphs and blends, so I thought this would be a good project for students to work on. This connects to the first ISTE standard because it allows students to use their creativity and imagination to teach an audience about a simple phonics sound. I made this video with two of my students that were already familiar with puppet pals and iMovie. I plan on having my students create something similar, and allowing them to choose from 4 digraphs: TH, CH, SH, or WH. Since two of my students have already helped make this video, they will be a great resource to the class when it is time to make the videos on their own. I plan on having students use the same tools that we did- puppet pals to create the digital story and iMovie to put all of the puppet pals clips together...